Keshab Mahindra, who was 99 years old and the first billionaire in India, passed away recently. He was the former chairman of [...]
Meanwhile, the center recently altered the natural gas pricing formula, resulting in lower prices for CNG and culinary gas [...]
The ruling junta of Myanmar confirmed Tuesday’s air strike on a village in which at least 100 people, including many [...]
Since the announcement of Karnataka’s assembly election dates, political parties in the state have been constantly [...]
The BJP allegedly disregarded former deputy chief minister Lakshmana Savadi by fielding Mahesha Kumathalli. Laxman Savadi [...]
The government of Mamata Banerjee has issued two notifications that will pave the way for the regularization of the majority [...]
After being refused the opportunity to run for office in the next election in Karnataka, former BJP Chief Minister Jagadish [...]