James Gunn, head of DC Studios, is going forward with his Superman rebirth ideas. After being active in the writing process since November, he is now prepared to direct Superman: Legacy, his next film project. In the same month, he became co-head of DC alongside partner Peter Safran.

Superman: Legacy is the first picture James and Peter will oversee as DC executives. The film is expected to be released on July 11, 2025.
Peter Safran told the media in early January that the film “focuses on Superman reconciling his Kryptonian ancestry and human upbringing.” He embodies truth, justice, and the American way of life. He is kind in a world that considers compassion to be outmoded. This is one reason why the first Superman, Henry Cavill, was initially recruited and then released. The two new executives have a new vision for Superman, and it appears probable that they will cast a younger actor to headline the upcoming superhero feature.
Regarding his decision to begin with Superman, James Gunn stated, “I first said no because I lacked a route in that felt fresh, entertaining, and emotional while also giving Superman the respect he deserved. But, a little less than a year ago, I saw a way in, in many ways centered on Superman’s lineage – how his aristocratic Kryptonian parents and his Kansas farmer parents shape who he is and his decisions.
Even if I create something, I may not feel it viscerally and emotionally enough to direct it for more than two years, especially anything of this scope. “But, to cut a long story short, I like this screenplay, and I’m extremely excited as we go on this trip,” he concluded.
Superman: Legacy will be the first A-list superhero film directed by James Gunn. He has directed relatively obscure Marvel characters such as the Guardians of the Galaxy.
This week will also see the release of Shazam! Fury of the Gods, which was produced by Peter Safran. It is the first of four DC films released this year that were produced before Gunn and Safran assumed control of the company. The release date for Shazam! Wrath of the Gods is March 17, 2023.