Lord Mahavir, the nonviolence priest, was born today! “Live and let live” All creatures are equal, a man is not recognized by his birth but by his acts, the soul is exalted when it becomes the highest soul, Lord Mahavira was born on Chaitra Suddha Trayodashi, hence this day is commemorated as “Mahavira Jayanti.”

Mahavira renounced the throne to live a life of self-sacrifice, knowing that truth, non-violence, austerity, sacrifice, and patience are human qualities. Austerity, patience, and non-violence defeat wrath, pride, maya, greed, envy, etc. Appreciated human life.

Yugandhar Purusha Lord Mahavira died for the benefit, peace, and emancipation of all creatures. This excellent man taught self-development. He taught us transcendental welfare.

Mahavir Jayanti: Rag, Moh, defeated the haters and became "Mahavir." 2023 2

“Human civilization advances via love and cooperation, but it burns with hatred and hostility,”

King Siddhartha and Queen Trishela of Vaishali gave birth to this renowned egalitarian thinker at Kundgram around 599 BC. King Siddhartha’s splendor, prowess, and courage increased after Lord Mahavir’s birth, hence he was dubbed Vardhman.

Sixth-century BC India symbolized social, political, and religious conflict and stability. Religion caused animal brutality. Yagya happened. They thought Homhavan contained all faiths. Casteism was common. Birthcaste determines a man’s value.

Ritualism and hypocrisy were rampant, and wicked practices oppressed individuals. Mahavira was distressed by this society’s ignorance. Mahavir was struck by social and religious distress. He wanted to be “freed from all the ties of the world” to provide eternal happiness and joy to souls stuck in pain and ignorance.

Mahavira’s mentality wasn’t focused on the world despite his Kshatriya upbringing. Ain left home at 30. He would continually ponder as a nude Digambar in the desolate jungle, sleeping on prickly soil, the blue sky, and his arms.

A 12-year meditator. At 42, he acquired Kevaljnana while meditating under a sal tree on the banks of the Rijukula River in Magadha. He became a “Mahavir” after defeating temptation, rage, and hatred.

Rajagrihi hosted Mahavira’s first preaching. Indrabhuti Gautama, a Brahmin, was his first disciple. Agnibhuti and Vayubhuti, like Indrabhuti Gautama, were humble students of Lord Mahavira.

The people and academics followed Mahavira’s revolutionary views. After studying life’s issues, this dharma-purusha taught in Ardha Magadhi. Samavasaran is Mahavira’s religious assembly. Here Samavasaran sat young and old from all classes, faiths, and sects.

Animals sat too. Their religious assembly is very egalitarian. Humans build many barriers. Apartheid, caste apartheid, provincial apartheid—those barriers. This wall has caused global turmoil. Society undermines “non-violence” regularly. So, this priest’s non-violence ideology remains relevant.

“Philosophy of Non-Violence”

Mahaveera’s “Philosophy of Non-Violence” is a priceless gift. Nonviolence underpins Jainism. Lord Mahavira’s non-violence comes from his thoughts and tadalaya with the quiet soul. He lived the silent souls’ sorrows, which became “Ahimsa” his life’s principle. Jain Shastra states that “Ahimsa” is not causing anger-dweshadi illnesses in the soul and “Violence” is.

Lord Mahavira taught “Ahimsa,” or nonviolence, and traversed four viharas across India. Religious sermons. His teachings gained disciples in every province.

Lord Mahavira was the first ideal social reformer. Even now, women must struggle for their rights, but Mahavira defied society and accepted women to his Shraman Sangh, a revolutionary event. Chandana, Mahavira’s first female follower. Mahavira has Magadha ancestry. Shrenik Bimbisara’s wife, Chalana, was Lord Mahavira’s maternal aunt. Ajatashatru’s son Udayin was Mahavira’s creation.

“Weapons cannot settle conflicts. Minds cannot be emancipated, but mutual love-cooperation is the only way that human civilization thrives, flowers, and smells fragrant.” “Ahimsa” sustains human supremacy. Mahavir taught socialism 2600 years ago. He was forward-thinking. Mahavir Jayanti

Mahavira died in Sri Siddhakshetra Pavapur at 72, achieving Nirvana. Lord Mahavira’s life inspires becoming a Highest Being.