This year, the IPL squad representing Delhi Capitals is missing its important player and usual captain. Due to his severe [...]
Pascal’s birthday was Sunday. “The Last of Us” and “The Mandalorian” made the Chilean actor famous. His “The Last [...]
On Tuesday, an avalanche struck Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim. Six visitors were killed, and 150 more were believed to be [...]
The captain of the Irish national team, Andrew Balbirnie, stated on Monday that the team is delighted but cognizant of the [...]
Vocal campaigning is prevalent in the state. Political endeavors are as brutal as the Election itself. Several party leaders [...]
After taking over DC Studios, James Gunn has a plan in place to combat superhero weariness. Superhero weariness has been a [...]
Over the weekend, a passenger on a Virgin Voyages cruise ship died after falling from a balcony, landing on a lower deck, and [...]