Under the Jubilee Celebration of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule on behalf of the Saini Mali Samaj of Eastern Rajasthan, the Shobhayatra Udei diversion was put out via important highways from Naveen Bulk Fruit Vegeta Mandi on Sunday.
Floral showers, nibbles, cool beverages, and juices greeted the trip at hundreds of locations. Former City Council Chairman Geeta Devi Naruka, Sangeeta Bohra, Deepak Naruka, Morning Walk Group, Indian Youth Front District President Nagesh Raj Lodhi, Brahmin Samaj
All Institutions of Agarwal Samaj, Shyam Sakha Family, Shri Shyam Family, Sanjay Goyal, Chief Minister Advisor and MLA Ramkesh Meena, Mansingh Gurjar The City Council recognized former MLA, Bharatiya Janata Party, Rahul Goyal, City Council Chairman, and Ward Councilors. Almost 5000 society members, including district head CL Saini, marched. The parade included police and administrative authorities for security.
Promotes social harmony and education

During the march, public leaders and speakers stressed togetherness and education at the massive public assembly near Ughadmal Balaji on Sawai Madhopur Road. Observing the crowd’s and youth’s excitement, society leaders decided to chose Gangapur from MLA Saini Samaj. Society members ignored the summons and decided to attend the Sanny Mali Samaj Mahasangam in Jaipur on 4 June.
In the public meeting, society representatives and speakers stressed solidarity and education.
In the public meeting, society representatives and speakers stressed solidarity and education.
The public meeting’s chair, Raj Sabha Member Rajendra Gahlot, said Jyotiba Fule represents India’s ideal and his beliefs are still applicable.
He corrected Qurutis. Humanity awakening The MP stated Saini Samaj should display his vote strength in Desh Pradesh societies. They’ll lead parties. The Lawmaker, pleased with the throng, urged solidarity. He advocated for social education and employment reservation. Campaign against social drunkenness. On public demand, the MP pledged his quota for Saini hostel development.
Chief Guest Former Cabinet Minister Prabhulal Saini describes Mahatma Jyotiba Fule, the Bharat jewel of Provenibai Fule, and his thanks. Propribai Phule demanded twenty mandis. The State Executive Chairman, CL Saini, and Samaj people welcomed the Manchasin visitors earlier. The advancement group daughter performed an education-themed play. Poonam Sharma. Anna Saini and Anju combined. Sakshi, Tamanna, Riya, etc. presented.
The public gathering drew many society members.

Young leader Bhupendra Saini demanded MLA Saini Samaj in Gangapurcity in the legislature. Sanbalgarh Legislator Vajnath Kushwah stressed social togetherness. District President CL Saini promoted togetherness and girl education. On this occasion, former IAS and keynote speaker SNSingh, Jyotiba Phule Institute Experience Chandel, Bhavani Shankar Mali, Namdev Managing Director Jitendra Tanwar, Head of State Chuttenlal Mali, Bhav Sany, Manoj Ajmera, Pappubhai Pradhan, Sagar Mawar, Dr. Ravi Saini, Mahesh, Moharsingh, Kailash Mori, Bhagachand, Sunil, Puranmal, Rajendra Bhola, Young Leader Rajendra, Mahendra Gahalot, Vishnu Saini, Mukesh Saini, Pappu Munshi