In the days leading up to Ramanavami, there will be gatherings of the Premanagar Development Committee, the Rameshwar Mahadev Temple Committee, the Ward No. 10 Awakening Civic Congregation, and the Mahadevdham Mahila Satsang Mandal. Over the course of the day, there has been a religious service held in conjunction with Ram Janmotsav.

On Thursday, March 30, religious festivities will begin early in the morning and continue throughout the day as part of the Ramanwami celebrations. Arrangements will be planned including Prabhatfari, Maharam Rama’s Gunanuwad, Sundarakand, Satsang, Dipmala, Mahaarti.

A midday Maharati will celebrate Ram Janmashtami.

On Rajkot Raiya Road, the Brahmsmaj community is home to a purported temple that serves as a religious center for the families that practice the Mahadevdham faith. Residents of Living, Gyanjivan, Deshadev Para, Ami Park, Shivpara, Brahmsmaj, and Tirupatinagar, as well as others living in the surrounding areas, are expected to participate in God’s programs in accordance with their beliefs.

According to Advant Jayant Pandya, the chairman of the committee, the residents of the city who want to issue a lifetime card will have to submit a xerox of the base card in person and register the name on Thursday.

This is required in order to comply with the requirements of the committee. After that, they will be summoned on the day when the camp begins. Those individuals who are interested in obtaining a card are to feel free to register with the committee.