A fire broke out on June 15 in the Mukherjee Nagar neighborhood of Delhi, and pupils at a nearby coaching facility rappelled down the side of the building to escape.
According to the information available, the fire was reported around 12.30 in the afternoon. Students were observed descending the building on wires while carrying luggage on their backs, and smoke could be seen emerging from the top level of the structure.
This was shown in the graphics. The descent resulted in four of them sustaining relatively minor injuries, according to the authorities.

In addition, the police stated that in order to cool themselves down, the students utilized air conditioners that had been placed on higher levels.
The fire service reports no injuries.
The fire was reported, at which point 11 fire engines were dispatched to the scene, and officials assisted the kids in evacuating the building safely.
“We have information that there is a fire in a building,” the message read. After some time had passed, we learned that it was a coaching center and that some youngsters were held captive inside of it.
We responded to the scene with a total of eleven fire engines and rescue vehicles. The blaze has been brought under control, according to the Director of the Delhi Fire Services, Atul Garg, who spoke to the news agency ANI.
The smoke coming from the apparatus caused the students to get alarmed, which led the police to conclude that an electrical meter had been the source of the fire. The smoke caused the pupils to become alarmed.