Madhya Pradesh’s Lokayukta police raided a Bhopal woman assistant engineer’s home for excessive assets. She had a [...]
The CBSE Class 10th Board Result 2023 was made available by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The results for [...]
The results of the board examinations for Class 12 that were held in February, March, and April were revealed today by the [...]
India-Pakistan’s high-stakes match will take place in Ahmedabad’s Narendra Modi Stadium on October 15, 2023. In [...]
Hotels in Mumbai have developed their own online food delivery platform, Waayu, which promises to be 15 to 20 percent cheaper [...]
Wednesday’s Karnataka Exit Poll 2023 forecasts a close battle between the BJP and Congress. The BJP wants to create [...]
‘The Kerala Story’ follows four Muslim Keralan ladies. Though based on a genuine story, the film has been [...]